LGBT Health
LGBT Health

As we celebrate the beginning of a spectacular New Year with resolutions on our mind, we wanted to place an emphasis on health in our January “Improvement Issue.” Health is a very broad category that can encompass a lot of things from diet, fitness, mental, dental, vision, medical and so on. LGBT Health is a category all on its own.


Most research suggests that LGBT people are at higher risk for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders. One study found that LGBT groups are about two-and-one-half times more likely than heterosexual men and women to have had a mental health disorder, such as those related to mood, anxiety, or substance use, in their lifetime.

As a gay man who personally struggles with mental health conditions on a daily basis, I am constantly looking for ways to inform and help others who have similar struggles. One important key to coping is having a strong support group of family, friends and community members who can help you through the difficult times. One of the important steps to building that support group is opening up to your loved ones and seeking professional help with any medical conditions you may have.

Although my father struggles from similar mental health problems, I never thought it could happen to me. Many people go undiagnosed with mental health problems for years sometimes self medicating their conditions with drugs and alcohol. A great LGBT or LGBT friendly and informed doctor can be a very crucial asset in your health prevention and treatment. I recommend finding a physician who is educated in LGBT health.


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There are many great ways to stay active and participate in healthy LGBT social activities in Las Vegas. There are a multitude of seasonal LGBT sporting groups in Las Vegas that meet for recreational activities including volleyball, pool, tennis, soccer, softball, hiking and camping. Some of these organizations include Nevada Outdoors, Betty’s Outrageous Adventures, LVGA3, the Las Vegas Gay Softball League, the IBL pool league started by The Phoenix owner Landon Heins and some independently planned gatherings such as Volleyball with Johnny Trivi Espinosa.

Joining a fitness workout program is a great way to stay in shape and lose weight with a group of like minded people, who can help boost moral support. One of the latest more popular exercise workouts is Crossfit. CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, calisthenics, strongman and other exercises.


I wish there were more programs in place to inform youth, especially LGBT youth, the importance of early vaccinations. Many LGBT individuals become sexually active at an early age and are at a very high risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases that are preventable with a simple vaccination. For this reason, the Center for Disease Control recommends the following vaccinations for LGBT community members.

The Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended by CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Two doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine are needed for lasting protection and the doses should be given at least six months apart.

The Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended by CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). A series of three or four doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine are usually given providing long-lasting protection.

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is also available to prevent genital warts and other HPV-associated diseases and conditions. The HPV vaccine is given as a three-dose series over a six month time period. It is best to be vaccinated before the first sexual contact, but later vaccination will protect those who have not been exposed to HPV. Most doctors will not administer this vaccination to people who are 26 years of age or older.